Summer 2

This half term we are learning all about stories from the past!
Below you will find this half term's knowledge organiser and a weekly update about all the fun things that have been happening in class. The summer term is always incredibly busy so please keep checking your messages from school to make sure you are up to date.
PE Day: Friday - Please make sure your child has a change of clothes that they can get changed into for PE.
Forest School: You children will need their forest school clothes on Wednesday's for this half term.
If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to speak to Mrs Tomlin.
Week Beginning 03.06.24
This week we have started our learning looking at stories from the past. We focused on fairytales this week and we looked at the Three Little Pigs and Little Red Riding Hood. We read these stories and then spent time acting them out. In our writing lessons, we started our story of Jack and the Beanstalk and now there is a huge beanstalk in the classroom. 
More and more children are now taking phonics books home which is amazing! Please remember to bring these into school everyday so they can be changed when they start a new book in their phonics sessions. In maths, we have started some work on sharing amounts and have done this practically using cubes. Please keep up to date with everything sent through the school office as we are getting to the busiest time of the year!
Week beginning 17.06.24
This week we have looked at the story of Prometheus and discussed what the differences are between myths and fairytales. Following on from this, lots of children have been busy making their own versions of the Olympic torch. In maths, we have continued to work on our number bonds to 5 and have spent lots of time practising the sounds ch, sh, ng and th in phonics. These are really important to know for when the children start Year 1. 
This week we have also had a go at sewing, with lots of children showing really good examples of running stitch. As the week has gone on we have been able to spend more time outside. Please can we remind parents that it is really important that children are sun safe and sun cream should be applied before school and hats sent in. 
50 Things to do Before You're 5!
Follow this link and download the APP.  
We'll be making suggestions  in our weekly updates about which activities you could try to do with your child. The activities are all free, or very low cost, and can be accessed locally. How many could you tick off the list?
Week 1:
#10 Sharing Stories
Sharing books is a wonderful thing to do with young children. They can hear about people and places they may never know about. It can get their imagination running. Plus, it helps with developing their language skills. Start young from just a few months old and share books often with babies, toddlers and young children. BookTrust, the UK’s largest children’s reading charity, encourages booksharing from birth, and even before.
Week 2 and 3:
#30 Yummy Picnic
Why not spend this afternoon having a picnic in the park? Head to your local market or shop and you’ll find everything you need. You could even take your teddy along too or invite some friends.

Having a picnic is a great opportunity to spend some time with your child, it’s simple, can cost as much or as little as you’d like, and you can even do it on a rainy day in your front room! You can differentiate this activity for all ages, and it’s a great one for if you’ve got more than one child too, as they can listen and learn from each other.