Please find below the Knowledge Organiser for Spring Term 1, which is Dinosaurs.
Week ending 16th February
This week the children have really enjoyed pretending to make their own pancakes and singing songs about making them. The children have learnt how the Chinese celebrate their New Year and in the role play area they have been practising how to use chopsticks, trying to pick up wool noodles. They have made handprint dragons and have had a go at writing numbers 1-5 in Chinese.
Have a lovely half term!
Week ending 9th February
This week the children have been telling us what they can remember about dinosaurs. They have made their own non-fiction books drawing dinosaurs, then the adults have written what the children said. We have also made a dinosaur, plesiosaur and pterosaur collage habitat using different craft materials.
Week ending 2nd February
This week the children have been learning that at the time of dinosaurs there were flying reptiles called pterosaurs and reptiles that lived in water called plesiosaurs. We have started to make a whole class collage habitat of where the dinosaurs and reptiles lived. The children enjoyed coming dressed in clothes with numbers on and have taken part in lots of number activities.
Week ending 26th January
This week we have been learning about what a palaeontologist does. We have been finding dinosaur bones in the sand and then using a magnifying glass to have a look at them in more detail. The children have used clay to make their own fossils. Some children enjoyed playing the musical instruments, doing stop/go, fast/slow and loud/quiet.
Week ending 19th January
We have been continuing our topic on dinosaurs, focusing on Tyrannosaurus Rex and Stegosaurus. We described and labelled the different parts of these dinosaurs. Children are now remembering that dinosaurs are from the past a long time ago. Children had fun making paper bag dinosaurs. Even though it's been cold outside the children have still wanted to wrap up warm and go outside.
Week ending 12th January
It's been lovely to welcome the children back for a new term. We have had some new children start with us this week and everyone has welcomed them.
This week we have started our new topic on dinosaurs. We have been learning that they were alive in the past, a very long time ago. Some of the activities the children have enjoyed are making dinosaurs out of paper plates, painting dots on dinosaurs and the small world dinosaur land. Some children have been making repeating patterns on peg boards with red and green pegs.