Week beginning 21st October 2024
As this first half term comes to an end, the children write up their own version of Knuffle bunny in English, practise their number numbers within and to 10 and explore the sliding mechanism in DT in preparation for making their own moving story books. On Thursday the children spent the day, designing their own backgrounds and colouring in their characters. Once they have completed this they pieced their books together and cut into the different scenes to make their characters move.
Over the half term try logging into to letter join so the children can practise their handwriting - Log in at www.letterjoin.co.uk . Log in details are provided below. Once logged-in, choose your child’s classroom and you can use Letter-join’s resources and fun activities to reinforce the handwriting we teach at school. You can trace over the letters and words and play the games on your tablet. We are limited to the number of users who can log in to this account, so please do not share these log-in details. I hope you have a wonderful break, well done Poppy you have had a fabulous first half term!
Week beginning 14th October 2024
This week in English Year 1 have created a class innovation of the story 'Knuffle Bunny'. Together we changed the main character of the story and the description of the houses and the park they past, on their way to grandma's house. In Maths we introduced 'plus' and number fact families. A number fact family is a set of three numbers that can be used to create four math facts using addition. Try giving your children three numbers they could manipulate - for example 4, 3 and 7.
In Thursday this week we took a trip to Johnsons of Old Hurst where they proudly house over 100 fascinating animals, from majestic African Lions to incredible crocodiles, delightful sloth bears and many more. The children were given a tour of the zoo, asking and answering questions along the way. They experienced handling a snake and a tiny tortoise called Shelly. We were very lucky with the weather and ended our trip playing on the the playing on grounds before heading home. (see pictures below)
Week beginning 7th October 2024
This week in English we started our new text 'Knuffle Bunny'. Ask us where Trixie went to look for her cuddly best friend! We also looked at extending our sentences by adding adjective. We were really good at this and could describe things in lots of different ways. In Maths this week the children have been using number lines to learn how to jump on from a number. They have also been introduced to the part part whole method which helps us to understand how to use two numbers to make a whole. Once we understood this we began to write a number sentence. It would be great if you could continue to practice this at home!
Additionally this week we had Hello Yellow Day, we explored different activities relating to this and looked fab in our yellow clothing. This week in Science we thought about sensory impairment and how this effects people.
Week beginning 30th September 2024
This week in English the children created their own version of 'Dear Zoo', they thought of lots of ideas they could use including donkeys, alpacas, chicks and tarantulas. They continued to use their sentence writing skills to then complete their first hot write. We were extremely proud of the children, they worked really hard and demonstrated lots of knowledge! In Maths the children explored ordering objects and numbers, thinking about the smallest and greatest.
In Geography this week the children explored directions, looking at a compass and understanding where North, East, South and West is. The children used the BeeBots to explore directions, giving and following them. In Computing they learnt how to draw a scene from the Three Little Pigs on Sketchpad. Finally, in Art the children looked the 'Painting the sea' a painting by Monet. They then had the opportunity to make their own seascape picture using their tints and shades.
This week in English we innovated our story 'Dear Zoo'. This children came up with new animals for 'Dear Farm'. They have been practising their sentences using capital letters, full stops, finger spaces and then checking what they have written makes sense. In Maths the children have been working out one more and one less of a number within 10 and have been introduced to the compare signs > greater than, < less than and = equal to.
In science Poppy class went on a sound walk, exploring what they could hear around the school, discussing why this sense is important in keeping us safe in the community and in PE we learnt about different shapes our body can make and how tensing our muscles allows this to happen. See if your child remember some of our shapes - pike, straddle, star, dish, bowl and tuck!
WWeek beginning 16th September 2024
We have had another lovely week in Poppy Class. We have started to explore the story 'Dear Zoo' in English and began to write sentences. The children are also practicing their handwriting as we are now writing in pre-cursive, please explore letter join with them to grow this skill. They have taken part in gymnastics this week as well! In Art we have been looking at primary and secondary colours and we have also been exploring counting on in Maths. Phonics books have started to come home so please remember to send these back in for new ones.
Welcome to Year 1 Poppy class!
What a wonderful first week. You’ve all settled in really well and happily following the new routines in KS1. This week we have focused heavily on school rules and why it is important we have them, for us to be safe, ready to learn and respectful of others.
Already this week the children have discussed and written sentences about the things they love; in Maths they’ve sorted objects and practised writing and manipulating numbers within 10. The children have also made a start on our Computing unit for this half term through identifying everyday object that contain a computer and in Geography they looked at aerial perspective.
We have really enjoyed our first week getting to know your children and look forward to teaching and learning alongside them.