Knowledge Organiser - I Wanna Play In A Band - Year 2, Unit 3.pdf
Week 4
This week in our Art lessons we worked hard on our portraits. We used shades and tints when mixing our skin and hair colours. We had to paint really carefully and look in the mirrors to create our portraits.
In Geography, we looked at two contrasting places and compared Ely to Cape Town in South Africa. We all wanted to spend some time on the beach and climb up Table Mountain. Ask your child why it is called Table Mountain and see if they can remember what makes a table cloth for the mountain?
In maths, we have continued to learn about multiplication and division. Please practise the 2, 5 and 10 times tables to help your child with their maths.
Week 5
In English this week, we have been learning how to write a diary. We read the diary Jack wrote about going through the Tunnel and next week, we will be writing a diary from the perspective of the people who lived in Itching Down from the story of The Giant Jam Sandwich.
Please keep practising the spellings we are sending home each week. We can already see the children are starting to use them when they are writing.
In RE, we learnt about the Hindu ceremony to welcome a new baby into a family called Jatakarma. The father whispers the name of Braham into the baby's ear and the mother's draw the special symbol Aum on the baby's tongue. This is so their first experiences are of God and the families wish them a safe and happy life.
We also had a great Number Day on Friday where we had Maths at the Movies. Ask your child all about Superworm! Maybe watch it again and count and spot how many legs, eyes, wings, antennae and insects you can- we found we could use lots of our 2 times table and even some division facts as we watched the film.