Autumn 1

Week beginning 4th September 2023
Welcome to Year 1 Daisy class!
What a wonderful first week. You’ve all settled in really well and happily following the new routines in KS1. This week we have focused heavily on school rules and why it is important we have them, for us to be safe, ready to learn and respectful of others.
Already this week the children have discussed and written sentences about the things they love; in Maths they’ve sorted objects and practised writing and manipulating numbers within 10. The children have also made a start on our Computing unit for this half term through identifying everyday object that contain a computer and in DT the children made a rabbit pop out of a hat.
We have really enjoyed our first week getting to know your children and look forward to teaching and learning alongside them.

Week beginning - 11th September 2023


It’s been another really busy week in Poppy class. In English we have been practising using capital letters at the start of sentences and for names. In maths we have been finding amounts in larger groups and starting to work in our new maths books. We have also built cities and forests out of Lego in geography and drawn and labelled our eyes in science. Everyone seemed to enjoy PE this week and voting took place for Poppy Class’ school councillors. Results will be announced soon!


Parents should receive a link to activate their online reading log this week. If this doesn’t happen, please come and see us in class.

Week Beginning 18th September
Congratulations to Marnie and Kayden in becoming Daisy class representatives for the school council! 
This week the children have been working hard to identify features of a sentence. Learning that full stops come at the end of a sentence and capital letters at the beginning, as well as for names. They have been comparing numbers to 10 using the compare signs < less than, > more than and = equal to in Maths and are able to order their numbers from greatest to smallest, vice versa. 
In DT this week the children started planning their moving story book, featuring Humpty Dumpty, some sliders and a levers. In art they focused of Van Gogh's Sunflowers, mixing red and yellow together to make the warm colour of orange and in computing the children have their first try at logging on and opening up a piece of software. Why not try it at home! 
Week Beginning 25th September
This week we have continued our learning and have been thinking about what we need to build a sentence. We know we need full stops, a capital letter and finger spaces when we write sentences in our books. We have continued building on our knowledge in maths and had fun building number tracks in class. We have also been getting creative in DT making a storybook with a mechanism in. In geography we looked at location and everyone had a go at drawing a simple map of their route to school. We have been really impressed with everyone's hard work this week and are looking forward to even more hard work next week!
Week beginning 2nd October
This week in Year 1, the children have been learning how partitioning numbers and finding different number bonds within 10 (See below). In English the children have been coming up with adjectives to describe nouns, they started by orally rehearsing simple sentences then moved on to writing them down. See if your child remember what a successful sentence needs!
In computing, we looked at art work by Kandinsky and recreated this on the iPads, duplicating shapes and resizing them. In science the children learnt about Helen Keller, a famous author who was deaf and blind and in DT the children progressed with their moving story book about Humpty Dumpty.