Key Information

Welcome to the Foxglove Class Key Information page. 
Foxglove Staffing:
Mrs Stanforth - Class Teacher 
Mrs Thompson - Teaching Assistant 
Mrs Golding/Mrs Ellis - HLTA 
Library Day:
Foxgloves and Tulips will change their library books every Thursday.
Please ensure they return their chosen book each week on Thursday in order to be able to choose a new one. Thank you.
P.E. Days
Foxgloves and Tulips will have P.E. on the following days:
Mondays - Invasion games with Active Play sports coaches
Wednesdays - Yoga with class teachers 
Please come to school on Mondays and Wednesdays in P.E. kit - black or grey shorts/leggings/joggers, red or white T-shirt, extra layer (hoodie/sweatshirt), trainers.
Mrs Stanforth
Class Teacher 
Mrs Thompson 
Teaching Assistant
Mrs Golding