At Spring Meadow Infant and Nursery School our aim is for all children to:
- Become fluent in the fundamentals of number, measurement and geometry using varied strategies
- Reason mathematically by understanding relationships, justifying and proving using precise mathematical vocabulary
- apply their mathematical knowledge to solving problems by breaking them down into simpler steps and persevering to find an outcome
Maths is everywhere; not just calculations on a page, so an enjoyment of the subject in the earlier years of a child’s educational journey is needed to shape their future aspirations and ambitions. It is so important to us that we show the children of Spring Meadow the relevance of maths in the real world, and support them in developing the confidence and positive attitudes required to help them all fulfil their potential.
We want to give our children the tools needed to think and reason mathematically using precise vocabulary, alongside the knowledge and opportunities to build on and develop previous learning. They will be prepared for the next stage of their mathematical journey by encouraging independent and collaborate learning, developing their resilience in the face of errors and supporting them to persevere with problem solving challenges.
Here at Spring Meadow, we use Power Maths, a whole-class mastery programme which reinforces the high expectation that all children are capable of achieving good outcomes in maths. Using the principles of teaching from high performing countries, and an ‘interleaved’ curriculum approach aligned to White Rose, this DFE approved maths scheme sparks curiosity and excitement and helps teachers to nurture confidence in Maths.
The Power Maths mastery approach values real understanding and richer, deeper learning above superficial task completion. It sees all children learning the same concept in small, cumulative steps, each finding and mastering challenge at their own level. It assumes the notion that everyone is a mathematician, however those who grasp a concept easily have time to explore and understand the concept at a deeper level, whilst others can be supported through careful scaffolding and same day intervention. The whole class therefore moves through the curriculum at broadly the same pace via individual learning journeys.
Consistency and progression are achieved through carefully sequenced lessons which are divided into sections that involve an abundance of opportunities for discovery, sharing, collaboration, practice and reflection. Children are encouraged to solve problems each day through the use of concrete resources, pictorial representations and abstract thinking.
Children’s fluency, reasoning and problems solving skills are assessed on a formative and summative using mini plenaries, key assessment questioning, recapping and revisiting and end of unit assessments in Key Stage 1. In the Early Years the assessment is in the form of observation and interaction with the children to enable teachers to be responsive to the children’s learning. High ceiling, low threshold tasks are used to enable all learners to show their depth and application of skills, knowledge and understanding.
The maths subject leader monitors the teaching and learning of maths throughout the year through learning walks, outcome scrutiny and discussions with children from across the school to find out what they enjoy, how they use maths beyond their daily lessons and how they overcome problems when they are ‘stuck’. This evaluation of the teaching and learning of maths within the school informs them of next steps to be taken in further raising standards in maths.
Our children leave our school prepared for the next stage in their mathematical journey. They are confident in key facts, strategies and approaches to help them attempt problems in number, measure and geometry. We want our children to be proud of their amazing thinking and move onto Key Stage 2 seeing themselves as mathematicians.