Welcome to the Governing Body page! We hope you’ll find it useful whether you are a current parent or child at Spring Meadow School, or are interested in joining the school community in one way or another.
The Governing Body works closely with the Head Teacher to ensure that Spring Meadow School is a place where children can achieve their full potential in a safe and nurturing environment.
We have many legal responsibilities as well as working hard to make sure Spring Meadow School continues to grow from strength to strength. We monitor children’s results to see that they are as high as possible, and we look closely at the school environment to make sure that every child receives the best possible education during their time at Spring Meadow and is thoroughly prepared to go forward in their education as well-rounded children and well-formed human beings.
The key functions of the governing body are as follows:
Establishing the strategic direction, by:
– Setting and ensuring clarity of vision, values, and objectives for the school(s)/trust
– Agreeing on the school's improvement strategy with priorities and targets
– Meeting statutory duties
Ensuring accountability, by:
– Appointing the lead executive/headteacher (where delegated)
– Monitoring the educational performance of the school/s and progress towards agreed targets
– Performance managing the lead executive/headteacher (where delegated)
– Engaging with stakeholders
– Contributing to school self-evaluation
Overseeing financial performance, by:
– Setting the budget
– Monitoring spending against the budget
– Ensuring money is well spent and value for money is obtained
– Ensuring risks to the organisation are managed
Much of the work of the governing body is completed by the following committees:
- Standards
- Resources
For more information about the structure of the governing body please see the Register of Business Interest document.
All members of the governing board have signed up to our code of conduct. This takes into account the following:
The seven principles of public life
(Originally published by the Nolan Committee: The Committee on Standards in Public Life was established by the then Prime Minister in October 1994, under the Chairmanship of Lord Nolan, to consider standards of conduct in various areas of public life, and to make recommendations).
Selflessness – Holders of public office should act solely in terms of the public interest.
Integrity – Holders of public office must avoid placing themselves under any obligation to people or organisations that might try inappropriately to influence them in their work. They should not act or take decisions in order to gain financial or other material benefits for themselves, their family, or their friends. They must declare and resolve any interests and relationships.
Objectivity – Holders of public office must act and take decisions impartially, fairly and on merit, using the best evidence and without discrimination or bias.
Accountability – Holders of public office are accountable to the public for their decisions and actions and must submit themselves to the scrutiny necessary to ensure this.
Openness – Holders of public office should act and take decisions in an open and transparent manner. Information should not be withheld from the public unless there are clear and lawful reasons for so doing.
Honesty – Holders of public office should be truthful
Leadership – Holders of public office should exhibit these principles in their own behaviour. They should actively promote and robustly support the principles and be willing to challenge poor behaviour wherever it occurs.
Spring_Meadow_standing_orders_for_governors 23-24
Register of Business Interest 2023-2024
Spring Meadow Governor Attendance 2023-24
Name |
Date of Appointment |
End of term of office |
Appointed by |
Committee Membership |
David Barker Chair of Governors
23/02/2023 |
22/02/2027 |
Local Authority |
Vice Chair of Standards Committee Chair of Pay Committee |
Ian Roberts Vice Chair of Governors |
22/09/2021 |
21/09/2025 |
Board |
Chair of Resources Committee |
Laura Fielding |
Ex-officio |
Headteacher |
Resources and Standards Committees |
Kathryn Brereton |
18/05/2022 |
17/05/2026 |
Board |
Chair of Standards Committee
Joanna Golding |
11/10/2022 |
10/10/2026 |
Staff |
Standards Committee |
Callum Hall |
21/09/2023 |
20/09/2027 |
Board |
Resources Committee Pay Committee |
Lucy Roberts |
6/07/2023 |
5/07/2027 |
Board |
Vice Chair of Resources Committee |
Hayley Whitwood |
07/02/2023 |
06/02/2027 |
Parent |
Safeguarding |
Genevieve Wright |
12/12/2023 |
11/12/2027 |
Parent |
To be confirmed |
Jane Learner |
Local Authority |
Clerk |
Associate Governors |
Claire Tomlin
18/10/2024 |
10/10/2026 |
Associate |
Resources Committee Voting rights to be confirmed. |
Libby Cross |
11/10/2022 |
10/10/2026 |
Associate |
Standards Committee Voting rights to be confirmed. |