School Policies

SM_Accessibility Policy and Plan
SM_Admissions policy
SM_Admissions policy Nursery
SM_Anti-bullying policy
SM_Attendance Policy
SM_Appraisal-and-Capability policy
SM_ Behaviour policy
SM_Children who run away or are missing from school
SM_Charging and remissions policy
SM CCTV and Surveillance Policy_July 24.doc
SM_Children not collected
SM_Complaints Policy
SM - Data Protection Policy_July 2024.docx
SM_Early_Career Teacher (ECT) Induction Policy
SM_Early years policy
SM_Educational Visits and School Trips Policy July 2024.docx
SM_Equality Policy and Objectives
SM_E-safety Policy for the Early Years
SM_E-safety policy
SM_EYFS policy
SM_First Aid Policy
SM_Freedom_of Information Policy
SM_governor expenses
SM_Health and Safety Policy
SM_Intimate Care Policy_July_2024.docx
SM_Managing serial and unreasonable complaints
SM_marking and Feedback Policy
SM_Menopause policy
SM_Packed Lunch policy
SM_Parent_Code of Conduct
SM_Prevent Action Plan
SM_Pupil_Equality, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion policy
SM Pupils_with_Medical_Conditions
SM_Responding to Prejudice Related Incidents Policy
SM_Recruitment and Selection Policy_July_2024.docx
SM Online Safety Policy July 2024.doc
SM_Safeguarding and child protection policy
SM_Security policy
SM_SEND Information Report
SM_Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) Policy
SM_Statement of Procedure for Dealing with Allegations of Abuse against Teachers and Other Staff and Volunteers_Jan_24.docx
SM_Safer recruitment and selection policy.docx
SM_Supporting challenging behaviours policy
SM_Uniform Policy
SM_Volunteer Policy_July_2024.docx
SM_Whistleblowing policy