Please find below the Knowledge Organiser for Spring Term 2, which is Growing and Changing.
Week ending 28th March
This week we have been learning how people grow. The children have been talking about what they can do now that they couldn't do when they were babies. We listened to the story 'Think Big' by Kes Gray and Nathan Reed and then the children spoke about what job they would like to do when they grow up. This week in Forest School the children had a go at pond dipping. When asked if they found anything one of the children said "yes a SHARK". It was lovely to welcome all the parents/carers to the Nursery Stay and Play Sessions.
Have a lovely Easter!
Week ending 22nd March
This week we have been learning about food and farming and that some food is grown in this country and some in countries far away. We looked at different vegetables and described what they looked and felt like and then the children used their cutting skills to chop the vegetables to make soup. Then when it was cooked the children used their senses to see what it smelt and tasted like.
Week ending 15th March
This week we have been talking about how animals grow and change and learning the names for baby animals. We also talked about how some animal babies look like their parent but some don't. We have some caterpillars in nursery, so we have been talking about the life cycle of a caterpillar and how they change and turn into a butterfly.
Week ending 8th March
It's been a busy week. When we came into Nursery on Monday the children noticed that a bean stalk had grown over the weekend, where they put their name cards. They talked about who they thought would live at the top. Children have planted beans, grass seed and cress seeds and are learning what they need to grow. We all enjoyed coming to school in our pyjamas and sharing different books and stories for World Book Day.,
Week ending 1st March
Welcome back! Hope you all had a lovely half term. This week we have been learning about the differences of the four seasons. Children have been looking at some different Spring flowers and drawing what they can see. We have enjoyed reading the story 'Tree' by Bretta Teckentrup and learning new songs about daffodils and Spring.