Summer 1

Please find below the Knowledge Organiser for Summer Term 1, which is Animals and their Babies.
Week ending 19th April
Welcome back! Hope you all enjoyed your Easter and didn't eat too much chocolate! Welcome to the new children that have started Nursery this week. This week we have been learning about all animals have babies and that some don't look like their parents. We changed the role play area into a vets surgery and spoke about what vets do. We have been talking about different pets and children spoke about their pets.
Week ending 26th April
We have had another busy week in Nursery. We have continued our learning on animals and their babies, this week we have learnt more about farm animals and their homes. The children have helped to get the garden area ready and in one area we have sown wild flowers.
Week ending 3rd May
This week we have been learning all about woodland animals and their babies. Children have been very creative this week. First they painted trees for the woodlands. Then they used their cutting skills to cut out woodland animals and stuck them on. Also, the children have enjoyed making clay hedgehogs. It was lovely to see the sun and the children have enjoyed not having to put their coats on when exploring the outside learning area. 
Week ending 10th May
This week we have been learning about wild and endangered animals. Looking at some of the different countries  where they live. We have been looking at different shapes and describing how many sides and corners (vertices) they have. We have taken a lot of our inside learning outside this week and set them up under shaded areas with the weather being so nice.
Just a reminder could you please send your child with a named sun hat.
Week ending 17th May
This week we have been learning about animals who live in very cold places. We have found out that polar bears live in the Arctic and penguins live in the Antarctic. Children enjoyed playing outside with the ice and were able to tell us that it was melting and turning back to water because it was warm. They have used their knowledge they have learnt to create paintings of penguins and polar bears and also used different materials to make collage polar bears.