Week ending Friday 10th November
We started the week sharing our experiences of seeing fireworks over the weekend. We used these experiences to make junk model fireworks, paint our own firework pictures and had fun playing with the glittery water. Sensory play with shaving foam and glitter also generated some good discussions and opportunities to develop the children's language.
We have also been learning about journeys and different types of transport that the children might go on to take them somewhere. We have also been focusing on 2D shapes and have been identifying them in images of different vehicles. The children really enjoyed seeing what shapes they could spot.
Week ending 17th November
This week we have been learning that transport in the past is different to todays transport. We started talking about before motor vehicles people used to walk or use horses and carts. We have also been learning about steam trains and have turned our role play area into a train station with a steam train.
Week ending 24th November
This week we have carried on with our topic about Journeys. We have been learning about transport that travels across water. Some children made boats and then tested to see if they would float or sink.
On Tuesday we had a visit front the Transport Police. The children learnt about what they do and they had the chance to go outside and explore the police car. Then they dressed up as police officers.
Week ending 1st December
This week we have continued with our topic on Journeys, moving on to our local area. We looked at an aerial map of Ely. We had our own little journey and went for a walk around our school and took photographs. When we returned to the classroom we talked about the different areas we saw and then made a map of our journey. Children have enjoyed learning how to program the beebots to travel in different directions.
Week ending 15th December
We've had another busy week in Nursery. Children have enjoyed doing all the Christmas activities that have been out. The children have also planted some violas and wallflowers outside in one of the raised beds. The children who went to the Pantomime on Thursday at the Maltings had a lovely time. The staff were so proud how they all walked down safely.
Just a reminder parents are invited in on Wednesday the 20th December at 9.15am for the children's Christmas singing.