Summer 1

This half term we are learning all about Kings and Queens!
Below you will find this half term's knowledge organiser and a weekly update about all the fun things that have been happening in class. 
PE Day: Friday - Please make sure your child has a change of clothes that they can get changed into for PE.
Bluebells will also need their forest school clothes on Wednesdays for this half term. 
If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to speak to Mr Brough, Mrs Suswain or Mrs Adams on the door at drop off or pick up.
Week 1:
This week in reception we started our learning about Kings and Queens. We learnt that King Charles III is the current King of the United Kingdom and spent some time looking at some of his palaces. We also learnt about the flag of the United Kingdom and the Royal Standard that flies over Buckingham Palace when the King is in residence. 
On Friday, we visited the farm and had an amazing day and just about escaped the worst of the rain! We got the chance to meet some creepy crawlies including a millipede, snake and tarantula. We then got to hold and stroke some of the new animals on the farm including a bunny rabbit, guinea pig and tortoise. We all really enjoyed our lunch before feeding lots of the farm animals including pigs, sheep and goats. We also had the chance to bottle feed some of the new lambs. Everyone had a fantastic day and all of the children were great role models for Spring Meadow.
Week 2:
This week we continued our work on Kings and Queens and looked in more detail at some of the castles and palaces with royal connections. We thought about what it would be like to be an architect and used rulers to draw our own castles as well as creating our own gardens with a mixture of materials. In English, we continued our learning on the Queen's Hat and are looking forward to writing our own versions next week. 
Weeks 3 and 4 
We have had a really busy two weeks in reception, with loads of learning taking place. We have continued to learn all about Kings and Queens and have explored the differences and similarities between the Coronations of Queen Elizabeth and Kings Charles. We've also spent more time outside now the weather has become slightly better and lots of children have been busy building castles and thrones out of crates and wooden building blocks. 
We have also kept practising our writing skills, with all of the children writing their own version of the story, The Queen's Hat. We have been really impressed with how much everyone's writing has come on and we know that Mrs Toth is also really pleased with the progress being made in phonics. As children continue to move up phonics groups, they may start to come home with phonics books or sheets. It is really important that these are read as often as possible to children consolidate the learning they have done in school.
50 Things to do Before You're 5!
Follow this link and download the APP.  
We'll be making suggestions  in our weekly updates about which activities you could try to do with your child. The activities are all free, or very low cost, and can be accessed locally. How many could you tick off the list?
Week 1:
# Happy History
There are a wide range of historical buildings throughout Cambridgeshire and Peterborough, from the magnificent colleges in Cambridge City to the elegant Georgian townhouse, Peckover House in Wisbech and the stunning Peterborough Cathedral.

Museums in each area reflect local history and Cambridge University has a museum for almost every interest.
Week 2:
#See It Live
Children and grown ups enjoy seeing a show, whether it’s a free street performer who juggles, sings or walks on stilts, a puppet show or story teller at nursery, your child singing, dancing for you or a visit to one of the many theatres in the region.
Week 3:
# Treasure Time
Toddlers and older children can make a collection of anything that excites them and will love storing them in a special box or basket that belongs just to them.

Collections of special things maybe quite random eg an empty biscuit tin filled with old keys, a toy dinosaur, ribbons, a bouncy ball or whatever takes their fancy.