Summer 2

Please find below the Knowledge Organiser for Summer Term 2, which is Heroes and Adventures
Week ending 7th June
Welcome back after half term. This week we have been learning about space. Children have learnt that people who travel into space are called astronauts. We have found out that the first lady to travel into space was Valentina Tereshkova. On our stage area the children have really enjoyed acting out the story 'Whatever Next' about a bear who gets into a cardboard box and pretends he is going to the moon in his rocket. Also children are working together and are using the guttering to make their own water chutes. 
Week ending 14th June
This week our topic has been about Polar Adventures. We have learnt that Ernest Shackleton explored some of the coldest places on Earth and that when he reached the Antarctica his ship the Endurance got stuck in very thick ice. Children made their own boats and then they tested them to see if they would float or sink.
Week ending 21st June
This week we have been learning about mountain adventures. We found out that Sir Edmund Hillary was the first person to reach the summit of Mount Everest with his guide Tenzing Norgay. Children worked together to build a model of Mount Everest. They have been doing their own climbing by making obstacle courses and finding different ways to travel across. 
Week ending 28th June
This week we have been learning about being brave. We talked about what it means to be brave, like Malala Yousafzai was when she left her home to find a safe place to go to school. With the weather being hot children have had lots of fun playing in the water and serving in the ice cream shop.
Week ending 5th July
This week we have been talking about the heroes in our local community, to help them understand that heroes can be ordinary people. Some of the heroes children came up with were Refuse Collectors, Shop Workers, Vets, Builders and Bus Drivers. We have had lots of fun with the messy play this week. Children used shaving foam and sprinkles to make ice creams.